回診日期: 2-Jun-2008
媽咪第一次帶nanaco出門,中午,外婆抱著你, 我們一起回診去. 到了婦幼才知道出院前護士小姐沒幫nanaco掛號,趕緊去櫃檯register, 幸好開始看診前就到, 很快的就輪到nanaco量身高體重.
候診的時間nanaco是睡著的,媽咪看在場的所有baby,每個都可愛的不得了,我的寶貝也是! 等了約10幾分鐘, it's our show time, we went in and waiting for Dr.'s apponitment. Dr. Wang spoke very fast so that I can't catch her words. I was wondering if I stay at home too many days so that I can't used to the Dr. speaking speed? Or was she talking too fast? It's annoyed to ask her to repeat, so I pretend that I knows what her said.
Then, Dr. asked me if baby has any problem during this first month? I told her that baby's skin got reddish and get worse, and her right foot is still seem not straighten. The Dr. did not inspect nanaco's skin but said it's normal, it'll recover in 3-4 months. If it goes worst when she's 4 month-old, then she should get treatment. As for the foot, she taught us how to exercise her foot. She said if this exercise does not work, when baby is 6 month-old, parents should consult an osteopathy. Before we stand up, that Dr. already talked to next patient. I don't feel comfortable about the way she talked and the way she treated patient. I'll try other Dr. on 2nd appointment.
When nanaco was going to be shooted, she was still sleeping. Nurse taught us to wake baby up by squize baby's nose. The reason to wake her up is to prevent her from shocking when the shotting. I was worrying that nanaco would cry loudly but she was not. Doesn't 1 month-old baby understand what pain it is? When I changed her diaper, I found her left leg, which got shot, was shaking. Poor little thing! I got to watch out if she got high temp. in these days.