從小小就深受脹氣之苦的Nanaco, 過去,好發於午夜12點多的脹氣,輕微者抹抹脹氣膏,嚴重者泡泡熱水澡即可改善.有大便晚上也會好睡. 過去在健兒門診詢問過醫生,醫生說四個月後就會改善, 也在小兒科問過醫生,可是去看醫生時小人剛好沒脹氣,無法治療.
這兩週,每週都有56次脹氣,有時白天排便了, 晚上仍舊脹氣無法入睡, 脹氣膏抹了澡也泡了,當下確實已改善好不容易2點多入睡的小人與媽咪, 脹氣毫不留情的在清晨四點多加場演出,極盡挑釁之能,屢屢挑戰媽咪的耐性跟容忍力,折磨小人.母女夜夜不得安眠
今早決定不再忍受, 帶nanaco去看醫生,看診時 nanaco的肚子敲起來 bo bo bo 脹氣未消, 醫生方便檢查:
排便 (現況:兩三天一次,目標:每天)
飲食(現況:母乳+亂吃,目標:添加果汁, 由稀釋開始漸進到喝原汁,醫生建議現搾柳丁汁,目的以食物幫助腸胃蠕動,避免長期靠藥物排便)
腸胃藥 : 一天四次, 可飯前服用不傷胃; 主治:通氣排便.
吃藥時間是媽咪的頭痛時間,小人畏懼吃藥, 看到針筒就怕,即使強灌吃藥她也有本事全部吐出來,早上阿嬤餵藥, 小人雖有掙扎反抗, 藥沒被吐出來還算順利圓滿,薑還是老的辣,阿嬤厲害!!
到公司, uncle LOBO開玩笑的說:小孩脹氣要是跟輪胎消氣一樣, 針筒一插就消氣那就省事不少! 哈,LOBO愛說笑捏...
Stranger Anxiety
Nanaco has stranger Anxiety since she was 2 month old.... Now, it seems not improved.
Couple weeks ago, we attended a wedding receiption, Nanaco went with us. People loved to play with Nanaco but she didn't get use to it. For example, when we waited an elevator going down to lobby, she kept looking at someone new. When that one noticed her and smile & talking to her, she starts making "em..... em....." sounds. Warming people keep away from her.
An expert said it is "Your baby is going through one of her first emotional — stranger anxiety. Children this age become very clingy and anxious around new and even familiar people and may cry if suddenly approached by a stranger. Your child may also be more anxious around new people when she's tired, hungry, or sick. Keep this in mind when you're around people she doesn't know, and try not to be upset or embarrassed when she cries in someone else's arms. To calm her down, take her back and hold her yourself. If you explain that your child is going through a normal phase, your friends will understand. Tell them that when they approach the baby, slow gentle movements will produce less anxiety than sudden ones. If your child refuses to be held by a friend or relative, try a slow desensitization process. First, work on having her be comfortable in your arms while the other person is around. Then, have the person talk and play with your child while you hold her. Then, hand him over to the other person for a short time and stay close. Finally, try to leave the room for a few minutes, and see how it goes. If your child bawls, try again. Go in and out of the room and eventually, your child will be secure in the knowledge that even though you're not around at the moment, you'll always return shortly.
Tried above method last Sunday when Auntie Alice and her sister came to visit us. It helps!
Couple weeks ago, we attended a wedding receiption, Nanaco went with us. People loved to play with Nanaco but she didn't get use to it. For example, when we waited an elevator going down to lobby, she kept looking at someone new. When that one noticed her and smile & talking to her, she starts making "em..... em....." sounds. Warming people keep away from her.
An expert said it is "Your baby is going through one of her first emotional — stranger anxiety. Children this age become very clingy and anxious around new and even familiar people and may cry if suddenly approached by a stranger. Your child may also be more anxious around new people when she's tired, hungry, or sick. Keep this in mind when you're around people she doesn't know, and try not to be upset or embarrassed when she cries in someone else's arms. To calm her down, take her back and hold her yourself. If you explain that your child is going through a normal phase, your friends will understand. Tell them that when they approach the baby, slow gentle movements will produce less anxiety than sudden ones. If your child refuses to be held by a friend or relative, try a slow desensitization process. First, work on having her be comfortable in your arms while the other person is around. Then, have the person talk and play with your child while you hold her. Then, hand him over to the other person for a short time and stay close. Finally, try to leave the room for a few minutes, and see how it goes. If your child bawls, try again. Go in and out of the room and eventually, your child will be secure in the knowledge that even though you're not around at the moment, you'll always return shortly.
Tried above method last Sunday when Auntie Alice and her sister came to visit us. It helps!
偶爾給Nanaco聽聽音樂, 最近電視廣告有一支是交響樂開頭,nanaco每次聽到那音樂一定會抬頭起來找找音樂的來源,我猜可能是平時聽音樂產生的共鳴, 更加印證了生活教育的成效.
Nanaco睡覺一定得搖搖唱歌,媽咪唱來唱去都是那幾首歌,目前nanaco聽了會睡著的有虎姑婆,還有十幾年前的情歌ㄟ. 只好買童謠CD 回來練唱囉
Nanaco睡覺一定得搖搖唱歌,媽咪唱來唱去都是那幾首歌,目前nanaco聽了會睡著的有虎姑婆,還有十幾年前的情歌ㄟ. 只好買童謠CD 回來練唱囉
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