誰不想快快樂樂出門 平平安安回家? 事實總是事與願違!
明明馬路那麼大條幹麻跟我擠.... 跟大車擦撞吃虧的總是小車
由於有後續保險理賠得做筆錄, 大中午車禍,筆錄做好
1. 沒有理賠的話,簡單修車得花1萬出頭,這這....教訓也太昂貴了吧
2. 車禍後小兒半夜睡覺罵罵號,阿嬤收驚得連收三天(三次)才可以把驚嚇收走,後來,大家都說去行天宮收驚,昨晚馬上去,睡前亂灰跟半夜的罵罵號的症狀很神奇的消失~~~
HOPE for yr '09
It has been a while for not record my life.... All articles I wrote are Nanaco's stuffs.... She's my VIP, without her, what else I can say/write.
I already put too much efforts on labor delivery and raising kid in year '07 & '08, it's time for me to complete my study. Half of IMBA classmates will obtain their master degree in early 2009, how about me? Nothing! Nothing! I even haven't start it yet..... Oh my God!!!! With coming of year 2009, I sincerely hope to complete my thesis in yr '09. Buddha blesses me! Give me more ideas & knowledge & power to achieve this goal..... GO GO GO......
Dear Nanaco, please give mom couple of months for thesis writing.... If I am neglect to take care of you during this period, please forgive me.
I already put too much efforts on labor delivery and raising kid in year '07 & '08, it's time for me to complete my study. Half of IMBA classmates will obtain their master degree in early 2009, how about me? Nothing! Nothing! I even haven't start it yet..... Oh my God!!!! With coming of year 2009, I sincerely hope to complete my thesis in yr '09. Buddha blesses me! Give me more ideas & knowledge & power to achieve this goal..... GO GO GO......
Dear Nanaco, please give mom couple of months for thesis writing.... If I am neglect to take care of you during this period, please forgive me.
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