Grandpa drove us to MacDonald. During this trip, I found Nanako is far excellent than I thought, I mean, I used to think she is the one spent out My money, and waste my time and angery, made me so exhausted during those nursing time. But now, I change my thought. She was capable to be a big sister. Yenzuei is afraid of high, Nanako helps her go down the stairs, and encourage her to go upstairs to play with them. Before we went home, yenzhun climbs higher, and can not go down, and that space only kids allows, so, Nanako go upstairs and helps her little brother get off from a higher floor. Maybe, 4 years old is a greater stage, mom is so proud of you that you use your wit to handle every risk, good job.
Kids at MacDonald
Momoko at MacDonald
Took them to MacDonald yesterday, the play ground is so tall that momoko can't climb up and play with other kids, but she had a good time. Sunlight is bright, so mom can took good photo of momoko.
Eating, momoko
Momoko has good appetites. She feeds herself properly even though she's only 19 months old. She is growing very well.
Momoko dressed
Momoko likes to dress up, she picked up a dress, and happily put it on. Beauty is women's nature regardless ages.
Sticker book
Nanako asked for a stickers book for a long time, I ignore her request because I did not think a 3 years old girl really need one, till the day I found her textbook cover is covering by so many stickers.....
Drawing or writing?
Nanako loves to pretending that she is doing "Homework". A 3 years old girl does not really have homework. She is even not writing any word at all. These are her drawing. She loves to draw boxes and then fill in with numbers. She drawed 4, 7, 9 wrongly.
智慧型手機 - 買?不買?
原本的手機突然掉了一個按鍵,後來又因為姊妹倆搶奪手機被momoko咬下四個按鍵,所以原本的手機缺了牙, 然後我用透明膠帶把可以粘回去的按鍵還原,在陽春的修補下,手機還是缺了兩顆牙.
手機缺牙僅是外觀醜,接聽撥打都不成問題,再加上無法續約(原本中華電信約滿,去年中被姊姊借去續約買手機),而且,要換應該換智慧型手機 ,自己鍾愛的iphone 4S所費不貲,非目前可以負擔的起的, 所以換手機, 換哪個牌子的智慧型手機? 費率選擇? 就這樣擱置了... 直到,我生日過了兩個月才真正換了手機...
HTC sensation XE.(神腦價格沒優惠,也只送旅沖):
支付解約﹔ $1279
重新續約: 383+950 (*20%off) 兩年
手機價格: 8900
預繳: 7500
因為機型新, 4.3吋螢幕稍大但不過大, 800萬畫數, Android 系統, 可擴充到32G.可用skype通話... 但優點上網速度很快,下載台北等公車, CW money,Endomonde等app 非常好用且實用.
1.耗電量很兇,打電話講上2個小時ok, 上網使用app一顆電池大概撐不過1小時,電量低於30%就會不斷提示,讓使用者很焦慮.
2.拍照不優,對焦不夠快, 常常抓不到小孩當下(the moment)的表情.不知道800萬畫數為何只有這種表現?很失望.
3. 根據目前上網的流量來看,我好像只需要搭配上網450的資費就夠了,好像浪費了310元,不過日後媽媽也改用智慧型手機後,大概就需要用skype 打電話,網路費可能就會高一點.
4.過度使用(目前也盡量克制少用)會讓自己很焦慮,擔心容量不夠用,擔心電力不夠, 擔心小孩子搶著用.造成無謂的壓力.
儘管缺點多,但智慧型手機是有很大的便利性,但是便利性也是錢創造出來的,如果不是是老公掏錢,我應該是會選擇購買低階的智慧型手機,但現在發現花大錢買的高階的手機都已經被我嫌棄了,換低階智慧型還不如繼續用傳統手機. 兩年一定會將iphone列為第一優先選擇.
手機缺牙僅是外觀醜,接聽撥打都不成問題,再加上無法續約(原本中華電信約滿,去年中被姊姊借去續約買手機),而且,要換應該換智慧型手機 ,自己鍾愛的iphone 4S所費不貲,非目前可以負擔的起的, 所以換手機, 換哪個牌子的智慧型手機? 費率選擇? 就這樣擱置了... 直到,我生日過了兩個月才真正換了手機...
HTC sensation XE.(神腦價格沒優惠,也只送旅沖):
支付解約﹔ $1279
重新續約: 383+950 (*20%off) 兩年
手機價格: 8900
預繳: 7500
因為機型新, 4.3吋螢幕稍大但不過大, 800萬畫數, Android 系統, 可擴充到32G.可用skype通話... 但優點上網速度很快,下載台北等公車, CW money,Endomonde等app 非常好用且實用.
1.耗電量很兇,打電話講上2個小時ok, 上網使用app一顆電池大概撐不過1小時,電量低於30%就會不斷提示,讓使用者很焦慮.
2.拍照不優,對焦不夠快, 常常抓不到小孩當下(the moment)的表情.不知道800萬畫數為何只有這種表現?很失望.
3. 根據目前上網的流量來看,我好像只需要搭配上網450的資費就夠了,好像浪費了310元,不過日後媽媽也改用智慧型手機後,大概就需要用skype 打電話,網路費可能就會高一點.
4.過度使用(目前也盡量克制少用)會讓自己很焦慮,擔心容量不夠用,擔心電力不夠, 擔心小孩子搶著用.造成無謂的壓力.
儘管缺點多,但智慧型手機是有很大的便利性,但是便利性也是錢創造出來的,如果不是是老公掏錢,我應該是會選擇購買低階的智慧型手機,但現在發現花大錢買的高階的手機都已經被我嫌棄了,換低階智慧型還不如繼續用傳統手機. 兩年一定會將iphone列為第一優先選擇.
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