
2013/6/21 body review

Record update

Weight 54.5KG ( BEFORE PERIOD, it used to be 55~56)

X bike 20KM per time, if knee is ok, I will keep my heart beat at +130times for each ride.  If keen don't feel OK, I will slow down.  It is usually 20KM per time.   X bike is easier for me than dance with Video.  Sometimes, especially PMS, my back pain is going back, so dancing along with Video is not working at all.  Lucky I got X bike.  It is a good/right choice.

 Thigh; 52/53cm  (before 54cm)
 Leg: 33/34cm (before 35cm)
 Waist: upper 76cm  lower 84cm
 Hip: 91/92cm

Seeing 2 Chinese doctors, one for Gynecological problem and the other for intestines and stomach problem. Dr. Lin who used to be my main doctor said my Gynecological problem is improved.  I smile and did not tell him that I see another doctor for Gynecological problem.  It is easier to get both treatments in one time by seeing two doctors.  My sleepless problem is vanished,  and swelling symptom, one of PMS is getting better, too.   Overall, I am getting better.

Go Go Go~~~


2013.6 又開始鄭多燕

去年底椎間盤凸出復健後,雖然腰椎恢復的差不多,但卻找不到適合的運動,稍微動一動,不是膝蓋不舒服,就是腰椎痛, 停了半年多沒運動,體重也由52/53飆到56, 要瘦慢的跟烏龜爬行,胖卻向搭高鐵,一啟動就暴衝... 腰腹胖了好幾圈,騎車被我載的人都有握把可握了, 大腿的橘皮組織也長的很"唱秋",身體完全在無政府狀態, getting worse and gaining weight and growing fat.....

四月身體已經發出警訊, 大姨媽提早一星期來,只來了三天.. 只好去和平東路上的詠春中醫調理身體, 月經期間吃了醫生的藥後就停了, 才三天哪!!! 五月,經期前2週又去同一家診所掛另一個醫生,醫師生說我的身體虛血氣不足,腎氣不足引起的水腫, 經期短是因為缺血,燒乾了,所以開了補血的要,順便調一下睡眠,身體狀況有改善,但是頭痛跟腹部腫脹還是很嚴重, 月經來時改去育德堂給林院長看診,院長把脈後說婦科問題有改善喔,目前應該適腸胃問題,睡眠可能是因為自己想太多,於是拿了藥回家,腸胃跟睡眠都改善了,現在每天10點多就想睡,孩子們卻都要搞到11點才睡,真沒力!!

5/31 開始鄭多燕, 只能跳最簡單的figure dance. FIGURE DANCE沒有下腰的動作,少量的扭轉極少量的蹲跨運動,30分鐘下來,會流汗,身體沒有不好的反應,可以每天跳跳扭扭.已經 持續5天,體重從55.2(5/31)->54.9 (6/6),我跳鄭多燕體重降的很慢,過去的經驗一個月少個0.5kg就很了不起了,但s線條卻出現的很快,不會讓人真心換絕情. 聽說一個習慣的養成大概要21天,所以,自己也要好好加油,每天抽出一點時間來養成運動的好習慣.