
神仙島 蜜月行

9/9 , 6點往機場出發,延宕兩三個月的蜜月終於成行,居然成了三人行,令人錯愕!(第三人免費,這金牛寶寶在媽媽肚子裡就開始精打細算)!

出發前的小插曲,我們兩個人的座位一個在中間一個在機尾,看到時我就火冒三丈,送機人員不僅沒有歉意還辯說可以換,明明就是旅行社的疏失,還狡辯,誰不知道可以換,問題是隔這麼遠方便換嗎? 這是MINI TOUR應有的待遇嗎?如果今天我們花團費一兩萬成行,那我OKAY,問題是比別人貴的價格卻得到這種待遇, 真是令人憤憤不平. 孩子的爹就很緊張啦 趕緊說笑轉移我的情緒

由於晚睡早起,我在飛機上昏睡了5個小時,扣除0.5小時用餐時間,在半睡半醒之間已經抵達巴里島,島上的國際機場感覺很local呢! 外國人居多. 我們辦落地簽時,金髮碧眼的阿嘟仔大多拿20美元買長期的落地簽,想必是去relax.

前兩晚我們入住日航酒店,很棒的酒店喔, 海景,海風讓人心曠神怡,光是在飯店享受沙灘美女彷彿就真的來到了神仙島了呢~ 快活! 飯店舊了點,不過還算舒適.後兩晚住兩人一間的VILLA,跟期待的有相當程度的落差,招待的LULU SPA讓兩人在BALI冬季的夜晚脫光衣服只蓋薄薄的沙龍接受按摩的逞罰. 第三天開始,體能也變差了, 容易疲倦! 第一次人在國外, 我有想家的感覺!

巴里島好玩的點:海邊,傳統市集, 按摩, 飯店......

下次如果還有機會去巴里島,買機加酒就可以玩的很盡興. 出發前先與當地導遊聯繫代為安排車量&按摩地點,就可以玩的很開心囉!



中秋回家,終於看到幾個月不見的小屁屁, 好像又長高一點,頂著一頭跟巴比一樣的亂髮,叫他屁屁?整隻就這麼笑開了~ 阿屁的笑有感染力!


雖然很久沒見面,阿屁對小姑姑還是挺熟悉的,跟阿屁玩了一下後, 不見小姑姑還會到廚房找去. 最喜歡看他嘟著嘴巴發出小~姑姑這三個字,很CUTE!

阿屁的記性超好,記得自己有多少玩具,記得哪個人怎麼稱呼,不一定全會發音,但誰是誰他非常的清楚. 返回台北當天小姑丈跟他玩一下下, 大夥說姑丈在哪裡? 他開始認真的尋找前一天還在的大姑丈,後來跟他解釋了這是小姑丈,他好像明白了似的, 最後也小小聲的叫了"丈" , 阿屁的發音咬字非常清楚唷,讚.




Hello 1.68cm!


Dad and mom don't have to work today due to typhoon. Dad thought it is a good chance to see a doctor tonight because 2 of us are free. When we stopped by, hospital was opened, so we made 2nd appointment immediately.

It's just a rountine check. We saw you again through altrasound wave. Your heart beat is like a star twinkling. This time, head and body is formed. Yap, you're not longer a lump. you're a human figure ^^. We saw 2 thin tail swining, the doctor said that's your hands, they are growing, too. Dad asked about your size. After measure, you're already 1.68 cm. Base on the size, you are 8w1d now. It's funny. Mom just want to say "hi, 1.68".

Mom also notice that you've moved from my right side to middle. Guess, that's why I get up to pee several time every night.

Tell you a good news that the moving plan was put off to next March.
Mom's brother and sister said it is safer for you to grow up. I guess it's your luck to have someone rent our house. Though it is just 6 month's lease, it is better than nothing. Hoping this guy will decide to extend the lease after 6 months.....

See you.


1st appointment

Dated 2007.9.5, we had 1st appointment with doctor. Since we already know that I am pregnant, the doctor used supersonic wave to show us our baby. Actually, it is not a baby figure, it's just a lump, approx. 2*2cm. The most amazing thing is we saw its heart beat. This lump is trying to tell us it is exsiting and growing well by it's heart beat. Doctor said it is probably 6 weeks old. We will go back to check the lump after 2 weeks. So, lump, see you on 9/19...

Dear Lump,

You're lucky. After we annouced this news, 2 of your grandma's want to take care of you. I know the best choice to take care of you should be mom but I am not sure if we can afford to it, time and money consumption.

Sorry Lump for Mom's careless. Mom felt sick & sleepy in past 2 weeks. It occurred to me that the mood disorder came back. And mom's health was fallen, I thought it's probably season change. Besides, I am getting old, it's nature to be tired while change of season. But it is worse in this month. Mom even took medicines to ease unfortable stomach. Never aware that I'll have a baby inside my body untill my period is one week late.

Lump, you're an accident! Couple months earlier than our planned. We're going to remodel our house, and plan to move in these months but you just can't wait. Guess you've a quick character so you decided to join us now! With your participation, we've to extra care about every change. The chinese traditions say that it is not allow to relocate during pregnancy. But we've planned to move, so we've to do it as our planned. Hope you stay inside and keep yourself safe while relocating.

As for mom's education, it is still 2 semesters. I am not sure if I can complete it beacuse your due date is 2008/4/29. Mom will not worry about it because Sugee told to follow the flow.

Love you,