
no pain no gain


上週常常被nanako氣的要命, 每天每天 Taxi 上姊妹吵架,晚上在爸爸車上吵,吃什麼晚餐也吵,回到家更是吵架打架都來,睡前也要讓媽媽氣到孩子睡了媽媽已經氣到清醒的狀態. 每天也幾乎是被爸爸罰站冰箱...

週日,帶孩子們逛街,姊妹倆各選了髮圈髮飾跟水杯,沒想到回程的車上妹妹的髮圈就被扯壞了,是可以修理的壞,不嚴重,但是,因為又在車上吵鬧又不愛惜新買的東西,所以全部都沒收. 我告訴她們表現好才可以用.時間由媽媽規定. 也取消了原本要買雨鞋給nanako的計畫.  憑什麼花了我的錢還作怪? 要買東西就靠好表現來換取, 享受權力的當下孩子們也該進應盡的義務.  這就是媽媽的決定!

買雨鞋也是一樣,如果四個會吵的時間點都能克服,每個時間點按時間的長短有5-10點的獎勵,每天最多可累積30點, 一雙雨鞋399,只要15天表現好就可以拿到了. 目前三天都還維持的不錯. 畢竟除了雨鞋與髮圈之外,還有她們很喜歡也很想用的水杯. 喔,對了 還有令人期待的週五去全家選購維他命糖果的約定(if 五天內沒被罰站冰箱的話).


2014.5.12 the 7th Wedding Anniversary

i don't remember the wedding date.  Usually YOU remembers all the important "dates" and takes care of celebrations things, and foot the bill, of course.

Before going home, YOU lined me " we got two lunch boxes"  Well, Two boxes??? for 7th wedding anniversary?  I don't expect any fancy dinner but TWO LUNCH BOXES????   Anyway, we got a lot of vegetables in refrigerator and I am on the diet... I just ate some vegetables and then washed the dishes.  You were anxious to ask your daughter, "what's wrong with mommy?"  Nanako replied " mom is okay, Dr. say she can't eat too much!"   And then, I got $5000 from YOU.  A cash gift of buying whatever I want?  Anyway, I guesses money cheered me up so I ends up eating a lot of cookies at night.  

7 years marriage life, I was felt painful most of time because of my personal mental issue.  I told mom in law one month ago that I was regret getting married on the 1st day I married.  It is the truth.  Marriage life is so so so hard, everything is new and uncontrollable.  We studies 12 years in order to get entrance of a 4 years University but we did not prepare at all before we married.  Baby came too soon, I found I was pregnant in 4 months of marriage.  I was not expected to be a mother so soon.  Besides, I gaining 8kgs to myself after 1st baby.  8KG made me very depressed.  Then, money issues made me more depressed in the following years of marriage.  That seems improved after 2nd baby was born.  But my mom's health was fallen rapidly when she fell down and broken her leg while taking care of our 2nd baby.  I was lived in guilty at least 2 years for blaming myself about having another baby that caused my mom's broken leg and her health fallen.   When mother is getting better, I was gradually recovery from the guilty.  But, mother past away in a short time,  I felt sorrow for losing my mom.  The sorrow is lasting.

Even now, I feel that I am not ready.  Not ready to be a mom.  How come I have two kids?  Two is too much... They often made me very exhaustive, headache and angry!   I always have a thought that I am not qualified to be a mother.

Luckily that I got your accompany, we experienced both good and bad.  When I want a break, you are always there to be a strong supporter.  When I lose control/patience to kids and angered at kids, you take care of kids and comfort my anger.  I am not an easy going wife, and always to give you hard time, but you're "handling" it with humor or simply being funny.  You know once I smile, you are safe!  Guess, we owe each other from past life, so we are couple now. To 7 year anniversary!  Thank you for your understanding!   


2014.5. 健康存摺

若每日熱量攝取 1300kcal, 五月總攝取量40,300Kcal (-1.7KG)
若每日熱量攝取 1450kcal, 五月總攝取量44,950Kcal (-1KG)
若每日熱量攝取 1710.75kcal, 五月總攝取量53,033Kcal (持平)

5/01 50.3    2143.4 Kcal  (+843.4)
  • 90 min. Walking in the morning.
  • 與高中同學brunch. Happy together. 2 hrs time up, 我們轉到廁所旁的sofa 繼續聊上一個小時.
  • 老公公司拜拜 (人生頭一回...老闆娘親自下場..有嚇到午睡中的姊姊)
  1. 早午餐: 果汁 400CC (蘋果1顆,葡萄1份,甜椒1份,熟蘆筍0.5份) (100kcal) + 中杯拿鐵173.4kcal+ 鬆餅1片200kcal+草莓1顆 20kcal+ice cream 50KCAL+海鮮沙拉0.5份 80kcal + 總匯三明治 1/3份 250kcal+ 牛奶咖啡1杯150kcal
  2. 午點: 香蕉1條 240kcal + 蘇打餅乾兩份(250KCAL)
5/02 50.5   1365 Kcal  (+65)
  • 30 min. Walking in the morning.
  • 熬夜看小說
  1. 早餐: 蔬果汁 400CC (蘋果1/2顆,葡萄8顆,甜椒1份,熟蘆筍1份,楊桃1份) (100kcal) + 豆漿480cc (160kcal)+ 地瓜 175g (190kcal)
  2. 午餐: 南瓜3份 210 kcal + 青菜3份(120KCAL)
  3. 晚餐: 泡麵1碗 400kcal + 青菜1份 60kcal + 餅乾2pcs (120kcal)
5/03 50.6   2042 Kcal  (+742)
  • 幼兒園活動.
  • 呼吸困難
  • 熬夜看小說
  1. 早餐: 咖啡牛奶 400CC  (280kcal) + 馬來糕1份150kcal
  2. 早點:  關東煮1份 250KCAL
  3. 午餐: SUBWAY 雞肉飽 400KCAL + 拿鐵142KCAL + 冰淇淋 50KCAL
  4. 晚餐:  炸雞 300 KCAL + 啤酒 1/2罐 100KCAL
  5. 晚點;  ice cream 250cc (約370kcal)
5/04 51.0 1775   Kcal  (+475)  DAY 1
  • 呼吸困難
  • 四肢浮腫
  • 以為排便有血,原來是月經啦.
  • 終於看完那本小說.. 熬夜跟PMS&亂吃搞得我好累喔
  • 30 min. cycling
  1. 早餐: 拿鐵1杯 (170kcal) + 地瓜1份150kcal
  2. 午餐:  蔬果汁100KCAL + 麵條 100KCAL + 雞腿肉1份100KCAL + 青菜 80 KCAL
  3. 午點:  義美夾心餅乾4PACKS (1pack 125kcal *4) 500kcal
  4. 晚餐:  炸臭豆腐1份 500KCAL
  5. 晚點;  鳳梨1.5份 75 KCAL
5/05 51.1     1420 Kcal  (+120) DAY 2
  • 呼吸困難
  • 四肢浮腫, 連眼皮都腫了
  • 熬夜跟PMS&亂吃搞得我好累喔
  • 太累了,有午睡!
  • 50 min walking + 鄭多燕figure mat 28 min. 
  1. 早餐: 蔬果汁(甜椒, 熟蘆筍,蘋果,鳳梨,楊桃) 400cc (100KCAL)  + 地瓜1份 175g 190kcal
  2. 午餐:  青菜3份100kcal + 活力豆90g (450Kcal)
  3. 午點:  二合一咖啡(喝了胃不舒服) 50kcal + 芭樂250g 80kcal
  4. 晚餐:  拉麵一份 150kcal+ 炸雞 2pcs 150kcal +辣醬油飯 150 kcal
5/06 50.7    1655 Kcal (+355) DAY 3
  • 下半身浮腫, 情緒很差, 整晚作夢
  • 疲累!
  • 15 min walking
  • can't sleep becasue of green tea???
  1. 早餐: 蔬果汁(甜椒, 熟蘆筍,蘋果1/2,鳳梨100G,楊桃30G) 400cc (100KCAL)  + 地瓜1份 135g 120kcal + 豆漿350cc (126kcal)
  2. 午餐:  碗粿1碗 200 kcal + 巧克力蛋糕99g (359KCAL)
  3. 午點:  活力豆90g (450Kcal)
  4. 晚餐:  MOS 鮮摘綠黃金炸蝦堡250kcal
  5. 晚點:  Chia Seed 50kcal
5/07 50.6   1231 Kcal (-69) DAY 4
  • 情緒很差 , MISS MOM SO MUCH!
  • 疲累! wake up early 
  • 30 min walking
  1. 早餐: 蔬果汁(甜椒, 熟蘆筍,蘋果1/2,鳳梨100G,番茄1份) 400cc (100KCAL)  + 地瓜1份 200g 191kcal
  2. 午餐:  排骨便當 (排骨200 kcal , 白飯100G 140KCA, 青菜4份200KCAL)
  3. 晚餐:  炒麵300kcal + 素麻油湯50cc (100kcal)
5/08 50.7   1365 Kcal (+65
  • Tired but have a good sleep last night!  Bad mood lasts for almost two weeks, old syndromes come back to me, such as sleepless, feel said, feel like to cry, hard to breathe, bad digest... I feel better this morning, probably because of having a good sleep last night.   
  • 30 min walking + 18km cycling
  • Go to bed at 00:40am... 
  1. 早餐: 果汁(蘋果1/2,木瓜一份,番茄1份) 320cc (70KCAL)  + 麵包1份 60g 200kcal + 杏仁小魚干10g (55KCAL)
  2. 午餐:  排骨便當 (排骨200 kcal , 白飯100G 140KCA, 青菜4份200KCAL)
  3. 晚餐:  壽司 估500kcal
5/09 50.7   1912 Kcal  
  • 30 min walking
  • 一天到晚脹氣個什麼... 怎麼會這樣呢? 
  • 晚睡無助於瘦身!! GO TO BED EARLY!
  1. 早餐: 果汁(蘋果1顆,芭樂1/2份,番茄1份) 400cc (100KCAL)  + 蛋1顆 86kcal + 地瓜150g  (144KCAL)
  2. 午餐:  白酒蛤蠇義大利麵 400kcal+濃湯 180kcal +麵包1/2片90kcal
  3. 午點:  拿鐵(S) 142KCAL + Cheese cake 2份 350KCAL
  4. 晚餐:  白飯0.5碗 90kcal + 青菜2份 100kcal + 魚0.5份 80kcal+ 竹筍湯 150kcal 
5/10 **    Kcal   & 5/11 afternoon  51.7 

5/12 51.1  1799.50KCAL
  1. 早餐:  蛋1顆 86kcal + 地瓜170g  (164KCAL) + 堅果 55kcal + 巧克力132kcal
  2. 午餐:  青菜4份 150 kcal + 巧克力 172kcal
  3. 午點:  活力豆1份 150kcal + 芭樂200g (70KCAL)
  4. 晚餐:  青菜1碗 50kcal
  5. 晚點:  喉糖8顆 120KCAL + 沙琪馬2PCS (200KCAL) + 海苔蘇打餅乾1.3包(175.5KCAL)+堅果 50G (275KCAL)
5/13 50.7  1595KCAL

  • 30 min walking
  • 5km cycling (heart beat rate 130+)

  1. 早餐:  蛋1顆 86kcal + 地瓜170g  (164KCAL) +蔬果汁(蘋果1顆+番茄8顆+紅甜椒.0.5份) 80KCAL
  2. 午餐:  活力豆1.5份 225kcal + 海苔100KCAL
  3. 午晚餐: 紅蘿蔔100G (40KCAL)+馬鈴薯200G (150KCAL) + 鮪魚玉米罐頭(250KCAL)
  4. 晚點:   海苔蘇打餅乾2包(230KCAL)+OREO 43.5G (270KCAL)
5/14 50.6  1671KCAL
  • 30 min. walking
  • 30 min. Figure dumb
  1. 早餐:  香蕉1條 120kcal + 地瓜170g  (164KCAL)+中杯拿鐵166kcal 
  2. 午餐:  Subway 320KCAL+巧克力1條250kcal
  3. 晚餐:  烤雞1份150kcal+義大利麵1份300kcal+生菜沙拉1份80kcal+飲料 120KCAL
5/15 50.5  1800KCAL
  • 30 min. walking
  • 30 min. Figure mat
  1. 早餐:  地瓜170g  (164KCAL)+中杯拿鐵166kcal 
  2. 午餐:  排骨便當 (排骨200 kcal , 白飯100G 140KCA, 青菜2份100KCAL+豆腐1份80kcal+蛋1份80kcal)
  3. 午點:  奇異果1顆40
  4. 晚餐:  鍋貼7顆 420kcal + 肉鬆麵包 450kcal + 水果 20kcal
5/16 51.0  KCAL
  • 30 min. walking
  • 30 min. Figure robics
  • 原本午餐要買subway, 不知怎麼的跑去買了雞排, 原本要買原味雞排,看到了泡菜口味居然無法抗拒的點了泡菜雞排,好小一個(跟小飯團差不多大小 ),老闆是怎麼把泡菜包再雞排裡炸的呢?原本拿到了泡菜雞排有那麼一點小后悔,咬了一口之後驚為天人,有幸好身為大人午餐自己做主的那種幸福感, 原來我就是喜歡,那麼的喜歡泡菜! 
  • 早餐的蔬果汁,pooh pooh 很順暢
  1. 早餐:  果汁400cc(蓮霧1/2顆,番茄5顆,木瓜1/2份,芭樂1口) 70kcal+ 地瓜140g  (134KCAL)+小杯拿鐵110kcal 
  2. 午餐:  泡菜雞排 550kcal +巧克力1條250kcal
  3. 午點:  奇異果2顆80+ 芭樂120Kcal
  4. 晚餐: