
2015.21-27 Journals

還是沒運動,不過這一週改變飲食,體重有稍稍的回來一點,早餐改掉喀饅頭喝二合一的習慣,午餐簡單吃,晚餐吃少一點,二合一(咖啡+奶) or 三合一byebye, 大概是這一週體重減輕的重點吧...還有還有週四跟週五各走路40分鐘...可能也燃燒了一點脂肪 ( New low this month: 50.7kg)

起先是疲倦,然後對小孩火氣很大的一週.. 因為週四跟週五有"我們家的王大哥" (their daddy)接送小孩,讓媽媽有一點點上班前走點路的小確幸,因此feel much better.

Monday night, a bad night for Nanako and me.  When girls arrived, Nanako cried and asked me to go downstairs to bring her up from 1st floor.  She cried very loudly and momoko already went upstairs herself.  I told her to go up herself, but she did no, just kept crying. I was so angry that she can't do that her own, momoko is 2.5 years younger than her can did it, why she can't???   Go home from 1st floor to 3rd floor ONLY....and make so much noise to neighbor.so, I lost control and lost temper, too. I went downstairs to beat her up.  And it is like a volcano erupt, when she went upstairs, I yelled at her for being so princess.. if she were a princess, she picked wrong family to be with.  And I am anger at her for being so chicken,  scared of dark, always said she is lonely if parents are not be with her.  These made me mad!!!  Worst of that is my behavior.. I am bad mom..

The other day is that she did not do well in her counting. (二位數心算卡)  I know she can count but count is a wrong way, the way that slow her speed and often count it wrong.  I taught her a way, and she said teacher taught before but she did not get it, which made me mad immediately... So two of us lost patience, and she got tired already, so her performance is really bad... It is another case that mom lets out of anger so easily.

Rest of days, she seems a good girl.  Get up early, eat breakfast and waiting bus and go to school on time.

It was a long Tuesday night, daddy can't pick kids up so mommy had to do it by myself.  I pick Momoko up and on our way to pick Nanako up, everything seems to be fine.  But.. after I added Nanako's easy care and nanako wanted to buy candy as her reward, but Momoko is not allowed because she did not win any reward, then Momoko got angry for not buying candy.  So she lost temper in public (at 7-11, in front of a food store, which we originally intended to eat dinner there and in bus stop.  She yelled and cried loudly when we wait for bus.  It is about a 30 min in the hell, and it is so embarrassment to have an annoying cry kid around.   Nanako kept told her sister softly for putting on the jacket and put her school bag, but Momoko did not listen, she just cried....  A tough Tuesday night!


2015.3. 14-20 小週記


在學校課輔三週了,孩子的情緒有明顯的改變,變的好許多, 可以說是個快樂的小一生.. 社團從一開始的抗拒,現在似乎也接受了,有如魚得水的感覺,課堂上的表現應該也比上學期進入狀況吧(觀察中), 慢慢的發現她某些事情做的好,或者有改善某些行為,挑出來誇獎她.
回家跟妹妹相處也能好好和睦的共處一事,好好的說話! 早上起床有小賴床小情緒,但是出門前拖拉的行為有改善,希望繼續改善且良好的習慣繼續維持下去.

飲食有做一些調整,少吃零食減少高熱量的攝取,增加蔬果攝取,媽媽晚餐計畫要改走輕食路線,內容還在研究中, 運動除了每天學校的體育課,社團運動(瑜珈與直排輪) 4-7pm課輔的運動時間,增加週末的腳踏車健行等無料運動,期望過重的孩子能抽高多一點長體重暫時少一點.

化解爸爸的衝突,彼此好好說話,體諒爸爸的辛勞... 這是最近要加強的重點!

小人有開心的學校生活! 週二接她時跟老師聊學校的狀況,小人隔天晚上睡前也說要跟媽媽聊聊在學校的狀況,她說有到樓下跳房子,是先丟沙包再跳格子,所以很開心,上英文課也很開心因為可以收集愛心卡...

小人最大的問題在於出門前的moment 總是有太多的事情導致讓司機阿伯等(現在媽媽不想多計較什麼了,遲到了多貼點錢給阿伯就好),諸如用25分鐘決定穿什麼出門(當中好不容易穿上襪子,卻又換了2條褲子,3件上衣,兩件外套之類的小事情,或者用15分鐘搞定小人吞下2顆小藥丸....媽媽換個心態搞定一個難搞的小孩,送玩小孩剩餘的時間就是我的了,有什麼好氣的呢?
